In the shadow of mythology: 13 place you can't miss while in Greece

Greece attracts many visitors every year for its paradisiacal beaches, its white and blue villages, its ancient sites and its gastronomy. Just a few hours from France, it's a complete change of scenery. Whether you're a fan of lazing on white sandy beaches or a history buff, there's something for everyone in this country, rich in cultural and natural treasures. From ancient sites to Athens and Meteora, here are the top 7 must-see sites in Greece.

Acropole d'Athènes

Acropole d'Athènes

- © Sven Hansche / Shutterstock

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The Acropolis of Athens

In Greek, " Acropolis " means "high city". That's already a good indication of the location of this tourist attraction in Athens. But the setting is well worth the climb. At the top of the hill is the symbol of ancient Greece, but also one of the most visited sites in the world. The Acropolis is made up of several mythical buildings, including the indisputable Parthenon.

Athens Acropolis

Athens Acropolis

- © milosk50 / Shutterstock

The monasteries of Meteora

Discovering the Meteora region is well worth the effort! These immense sandstone cliffs give you vertigo. So much so that monasteries have been built on their summits... ' Admittedly, it's a physical effort to climb here, but the view is magnificent. 24 monasteries have been built here, the first of which, Aghia Triada, dates back to 1476. Today, six of them are still in use.

Vue aérienne du monastère des météores

Vue aérienne du monastère des météores

- © Martin Mecnarowski / Shutterstock

The Corinth Canal

It's not exactly new, but it's a huge success! Although it was opened in 1893, the Corinth Canal is used by hundreds of boats every year. This 6,500 metre long passage means they don't have to make a huge diversions. However, not everyone can pass through. Ships weighing more than 10,000 tonnes and with a draught of more than 8 metres are turned away at the entrance. The turquoise waters, cliffs and vegetation provide an idyllic backdrop.

Canal de Corinthe

Canal de Corinthe

- © Georgy Akimov / Shutterstock

The ancient site of Delphi

Number 2 in terms of tourist visits behind the Acropolis. The ancient site of Delphi and its 14 hectares of ancient stones are a treasure trove of archaeological treasures. Delphi comes from the word "dolphin". The site bears this name because Apollo is said to have taken this form to attract the Cretan sailors who came to establish his cult there. In this sanctuary dedicated to the god Apollo, a temple, a theatre and even a stadium have been built. The site is also home to the sanctuary of Athena.

Site antique Delphes

Site antique Delphes

- © Tomas Marek / Shutterstock


This is where the Olympic flame begins its journey, a few months before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. This city in the Peloponnese is less than 20km from the Ionian Sea. Olympia is home to a number of monuments, including the colossal temple of Zeus, the temple of Hera and the stadium, which is almost 200 metres long.

Site archéologique d'Olympie

Site archéologique d'Olympie

- © Georgios Kritsotakis / Shutterstock


The archaeological site of Mycenae is still perfectly preserved and full of surprises. Ruins of amphitheatres, palaces, tombs and roads... A visit to this site takes you back thousands of years to a city that was a major economic and cultural centre. According to mythology, it was founded by the hero Perseus and was the kingdom of King Agamemnon, as recounted by Homer, the King of the Greeks who set out to besiege the city of Troy.

Site archéologique de Mycènes

Site archéologique de Mycènes

- © Irina Rogova / Shutterstock

The theatre of Epidaurus

Epidaurus is a site of breathtaking grandeur and history. Dating from the 4th century BC, Epidaurus is the most beautiful theatre of ancient Greece, thanks to its accomplished architecture and fine state of preservation. If you're visiting mainland Greece, a stop at Epidaurus is a must.

Théâtre d'Epidaure

Théâtre d'Epidaure

- © Olha Solodenko / Shutterstock
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